She thinks sunflowers to be the color of joy....
She celebrates little moments in time...
She gets lost in reflections from the past.

Size: 20 1/4" x 16"
Price: $85.00

"The Homeplace"
home- n. 1. A haven of shelter, of happiness and love. 2. The place where one was born or spent his early childhood. adv. 1. To the center or heart of something.
Home! a sanctuary, a place to nurture and in turn to be nourished. In the midwest, when one leaves the house where he was reared to establish his own farmstead, the first home is often referred to as "the homeplace."
Size: 17 1/2" x 24 1/2"
Price: $120.00

"Pride and Joy"
A boy's pride in his hunting ability, his joy in finally being 'a man' is second only to a father's pride and joy in his son.
Size: 19" x 11 7/8"
"Homespun Gold"
omespun-homemade, simple, pure.
Gold-the good life.
Size: 17 1/2" x 24 1/2"
Price: $130.00

Price: $85.00

"Sunlight on the Sappa"
"I first saw the Sappa Valley...in September 1872...buffalo were plentiful, and at night beavers splashed in the creek. Going to camp from a buffalo killing one evening about sunset, I counted 200 skunks, an occasional deer, antelope, or turkey was encountered and wolves were all about, I considered it a hunter's paradise" ....-a settler's account of why he chose to live in Kansas

Sappa Creek is one hundred miles long. It runs from Northwest Kansas into Southern Nebraska and was the historical location of two Indian battles, one of which was the last Indian raid in Kansas.
Size: 16" x 11 1/2"
Price: $85.00